Recently i have update my OS from Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS to recently released 24.04.1 LTS.
Apparently all works but i have found this strange things now when i try to use/launch a game whit "supermodel" emulator....
I have tryed to googled the issue and apparently i have reach a similar old thread here:
My issue it's so similar but in my case apparently i can't fit my screen... my supermodel.ini have this line:
Code: Select all
[ Global ]
; Graphics
XResolution = 640
YResolution = 480
New3DEngine = true
QuadRendering = false
WideScreen = false
Stretch = true
WideBackground = false
FullScreen = true
In theory the game should use a resolution of 640x480 but fullscreen it's enabled.... my desktop resolution it's setted to 1920x1080 so the windows of supermodel it's open at full screen but the games it's be load in this little squadre on center of screen.
It's strange or it's normal ? I have tryed to set the XResolution and YResolution to 1920x1080 so whit this ok... the games it's load at full screen and it's maintain the correct aspect ratio but whit this high resolution the gameplay it's so slowly.
It's not possible to maintain a lower resolution but play the games at fullscreen ?
If i remember before to update my OS to current Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS whitout touching anythigs like this this things it's possibile.
Apparently also the source as been received some commit.... maybe some bugs has caused this issue ?
Thanks for any info in advance.
Found an issue on github:
Apparently i need to set manually resolution and fullscreen.... but the question remain.. i can't play at lower resolution at fullscreen ?